Four vs Five, and Peace with Seven
In Daniel’s vision, he sees four terrifying beasts rising out of the sea, each symbolizing an empire or kingdom in rebellion against God. While Daniel understands the first three, the fourth beast is so dreadful and powerful that it defies his comprehension. When he asks for clarity, an angel reveals that these beasts are four kingdoms that will rise before God establishes His everlasting Kingdom (Daniel 7:17-18).
Today, these four beasts can also symbolize ongoing forces of evil that influence the world—corruption in leadership, division in families, rebellion against God, and deception in culture. These forces do not only exist in history but remain at work in every generation. Yet, God has not left His people without a way to combat these powers. He has given us the five-fold ministry and the fullness of the seven Spirits of God to stand firm.
The five-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13) equips believers to fight against these forces, but we cannot operate in these roles effectively without first having peace and alignment with the Spirit of God. Revelation 4:5 speaks of the seven Spirits of God—representing the fullness of the Holy Spirit—and Isaiah 11:2 describes these attributes: wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, fear of the Lord, and the Spirit of the Lord.
In the same way, Christian Marketing can be seen as a modern tool to spread the Gospel, using wisdom and creativity to shine the light of Christ into the darkness of culture and society. Just as the five-fold ministry equips the Church, effective Christian Marketing can amplify its reach, ensuring that the message of God’s Kingdom is shared with clarity and power.
When we align ourselves with these sevenfold attributes, we operate in divine authority, wisdom, and power. As we engage the five-fold ministry, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and employ strategies like Christian Marketing to extend God’s message, we can resist the influence of these four forces and help establish God’s Kingdom on earth.
Reflection Questions:
What forces of evil do you see at work in your family, community, or world today?
How can you cultivate peace with the Holy Spirit and invite His sevenfold presence into your life?
Which of the five-fold ministry roles is God calling you to step into?
Heavenly Father, thank You for equipping us with the five-fold ministry and the power of Your Spirit. Help us to walk in step with Your Spirit and operate in wisdom, understanding, and might as we face the forces of evil. Strengthen Your Church to stand united, empowered, and ready to bring Your Kingdom here on earth. Teach us to use tools like Christian Marketing to magnify Your truth and love in this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.