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Second Adam Church is helping the local community to allow their kids and teenagers to thrive in the modern world and be aware of the latest technologies and teaches how to access the world and work globally while staying at their home.
computer training Program
We at Second Adam Church provide free computer training and remote working classes to kids aged between 15-25. We teach them how they can access the global marketplace and build a good career while studying and walking with God.
We want to give free computer training and remote working to all deserving teens aged 13 and 25. Donate for Free Laptops! Use the following button to help the kids grow and thrive in this digital world.
We try our best to fulfill the needs of the local community, but we’re always in need of new equipment as our training community is growing and getting stronger day by day.



Your help in buying us some laptops can change the life of a kid and God will surely pay you back for it.