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What does the Bible say about our Spiritual Journey?

Our spiritual journey is one that is filled with both highs and lows, with moments of joy and moments of sadness. The Bible is the single most important source of spiritual guidance and support throughout this journey, providing us with ancient truths and wisdom that can help us to live life to the fullest and remain steadfast in our faith during times of difficulty. In this blog post, we will explore what the Bible has to say about our spiritual journeys and how we can use these teachings to help us find our way. 


We will look at the importance of prayer, meditation, and scripture study in our spiritual journey, and discuss how they can help us to become closer to God. Additionally, we will consider practical ways in which we can apply the Bible’s teachings in our daily lives, so that we can continue to walk our spiritual path with intention and purpose. Through this blog post, we will discover the joys and challenges that come with living a life according to the Bible, and how we can


As individuals, we all have our own spiritual journeys that are unique and meaningful to us. But what does the Bible have to say about this journey? The Bible is full of wisdom and insight into the spiritual journey that we all embark on, regardless of our own personal beliefs. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, there are many stories, parables and sayings that provide us with guidance and encouragement as we strive to journey closer to our spiritual purpose.

1. Pursuing a closer Relationship with God

Having a close relationship with God can bring a profound sense of comfort and peace. In our daily lives, it can be hard to find time to step back and truly connect with God. The busyness of life can cloud our vision and distract us from making time for the spiritual aspects of our lives. By taking intentional steps and forming positive habits, we can start the journey to getting closer to God. Pursuing a closer relationship with God can be incredibly rewarding and beneficial. It can open us up to opportunities for personal transformation and spiritual growth. By making a conscious effort to be more open and aware of God’s presence in our lives, we can experience a profound sense of inner peace and fulfilment. In this blog post, we will explore how one can pursue a closer relationship with God, the benefits it can bring, and how it can transform one’s life for the better.


This blog post will provide an overview of the different approaches to developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of our relationship with God. Our goal is to guide readers through the essential steps of deepening their faith and provide practical advice for cultivating a meaningful relationship. By gaining a better understanding of the concepts, traditions, and beliefs associated with a closer relationship with God, readers will be able to determine the best approach for their own journey. 


2. Renewing your Mind

Our minds are powerful tools, capable of creating both positive and negative outcomes in our lives. Renewing our minds is a crucial practice in order to stay focused and productive, while avoiding the pitfalls of falling into unhealthy habits. Whether you’re facing a personal challenge or simply looking to improve your outlook on life, renewing your mind can be a helpful tool.


Having a healthy and balanced lifestyle requires more than just physical health and wellness. It also requires mental and emotional wellness, which involves having a positive attitude, setting goals, and having a clear vision for the future. Renewing your mind is an essential part of this process and is a great way to create a positive outlook on life. Renewing your mind helps you to think and act more positively, develop a stronger sense of purpose, and become more successful. 

3. Bearing Fruit in Every Good Work

In our lives, we are often tasked with accomplishing difficult tasks that take time and effort. Whether we are working for a job or striving to make a difference in our community, we all have a responsibility to bear fruit in the good works we do. We are called to use our gifts and resources to help those around us and bring about positive change. Bearing fruit in good works requires dedication, commitment, and perseverance. It means being intentional with the way we use our time and resources. It means being proactive and setting goals that will help us reach our desired outcome. It also means being willing to put in the hard work that is necessary to see our goals become a reality. Bearing fruit in every good work is a journey, but with the right attitudes and strategies, it is achievable. With the right attitude and determination, we can be successful in our endeavours and see the good work that we have done bear fruit.


4. Standing Firm in the Faith

In times of adversity and difficulty, it is vital to remember that we have the power to overcome any obstacle. As believers, we choose to stand firm in our faith and trust in the Lord to provide us with the strength and courage to work through our troubles. As we turn to scripture, we are reminded of the importance of relying on our faith and the power it holds to comfort and guide us. By standing firm in the faith, we open ourselves up to the support and assurance that come from trusting in God. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of standing firm in faith, the ways we can show our commitment to our beliefs, and the rewards of perseverance. We will also examine how our faith can be a source of strength and comfort during hard times.


In a world of shifting values and beliefs, it can be challenging to stay strong and confident in one’s faith. We are faced with an array of opinions, ideologies, and spiritual teachings from which to choose from. However, in order to remain firm in our faith, we must be willing to be mindful of our convictions, to stand up for what we believe in, and to resist the temptations of this world.

5. Abiding in Christ’s love

The love of Christ is a beautiful and timeless thing that has been an integral part of our faith for centuries. His saving grace, which provides us with a path to forgiveness, is unlike any other. Similarly, the idea of abiding in Christ’s love is equally special and meaningful. This concept of abiding in His love is something that not only sustains us, but it also encourages us to live differently; a life of faith, hope, and love.


We are all called to abide in His love and to do so in a way that is consistent with our faith. Abiding in Christ’s love requires us to develop a close relationship with Him, to strive for a greater understanding of His teachings and to live our lives in such a way that reflects His message. When we properly abide in His love, we are able to experience a greater level of joy and direction in our lives. Therefore, it is essential that we seek out ways to understand and grow in our relationship with Him

Lifetime Learning Lesson: Pastor Usman and his family Traveling Back from Dubai to Pakistan

Last month, on the 17th of Oct 2022, We travel to UAE- Ajman a city near Dubai from Pakistan. Lord JESUS has shown me the vision of building 25 churches in different  Muslim countries, as my origin of ministry started in a Muslim country such as Pakistan back in 2015. 

We were blessed and successfully landed to UAE- Jesus has helped us in all the arrangements – VISA, Tickets, and accommodation for 10 people etc.

I preached there in a local church and my Godly wife Asma has worship a song, everyone in the congregation were blessed with a sermon and worship session. 

Somewhere, I was not fully satisfied why Lord Jesus brought me here in Dubai from Pakistan- because I and my wife Asma running a Second Adam Ministries back in Pakistan, however Holy Spirit shown to us that we need to travel to UAE.

however, when we reached to UAE, my heart was not in peace and after staying 2 weeks in UAE, my Godly wife was sick badly and because of VISIT VISA we were unable to afford the medical treatment. I was spiritually receiving signs that we need to travel back immediately to Pakistan.

Local Pastor in UAE, also advised that it is better to travel back to home country back to Pakistan, because medical treatment is highly expensive.

We were in a great trouble, we asked for financial help to many Christian- believers however nobody were able to support us fully, because we need 7 tickets to get back to Pakistan almost $1200. 

I went into Fasting for a day and praying to Lord Jesus to provide us tickets so we can get back to Pakistan.

Miraculously, Lord Jesus has informed everyone in my circle who believes that Second Adam Ministries is not my ministry but a divinely blessed mission from Lord Jesus to Glorified His name on this earth.

 With the timely support of those Brothers and Sisters i was able to land back in Pakistan and get the medical treatment of my Godly wife.

She is fine now and back to normal. The question remains in my heart? Why did Jesus asked me at first place to travel to UAE, if He knows that my Wife could be sick there?

The following verse after a week of curiosity pop-up in front of me, while i was searching something else in scriptures.

2 Corinthians 2: 12-13: “Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me, 13 I still had no peace of mind, because I did not find my brother Titus there. So I said goodbye to them and went on to Macedonia”

I was surprised that Apostle Paul has been in same situation, firstly Lord Jesus has shown him to travel to Troas to another place for the preaching of Gospel and then by going there Paul is not in peace. Because Paul did not find one of the Brother named Titus.

Lesson i have gained from from this scripture for myself was, first we traveled there in a hope of preaching Gospel to UAE, however, once landed there we did not find a Brother or Sister similar to us, who can speak to the Lord about our situation and guide us or help us.

The lesson was clear and straight we will move when Holy Spirit will ask us move and we will stop when Holy Spirit will ask us to stop.

Listening to the voice of Holy Spirit is so much important! Many times, we as believers easily deceived by devil and his deception. However, when you seek His Holy Spirit guidance, He will not leave to blank. 

When did the Persecution of Jesus Begin?

The persecution of Jesus is one of the most heavily studied events in human history. From the moment he began his ministry, Jesus faced resistance and insults from the religious establishment of his time. He was accused of blasphemy and his teachings were deemed to be heretical. His ultimate persecution and crucifixion were the result of this long history of opposition. In this blog, we will explore the beginning of Jesus’ persecution and the timeline of events leading up to his eventual death. We will look at the various players involved and their motivations for turning on Jesus. We will also discuss the cultural and political climate of the day and its effect on the persecution of Jesus. Finally, we will discuss the implications of Jesus’ persecution and the legacy it has left on human history.

1. Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane

The persecution of Jesus began when he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane following his final prayer. Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ twelve apostles, had agreed to betray him in exchange for money. Judas led a group of soldiers and temple guards to the Garden of Gethsemane, where they arrested Jesus at the hour of midnight. They then took him to the high priest, Caiaphas, who questioned him and eventually handed him over to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate.

2. His Appearance Before the Sanhedrin

After Jesus’ arrest, he was brought before the Sanhedrin, a Jewish judicial council composed of the high priests, elders, and scribes. During the hearing, Jesus was asked about his identity and teachings, but he refused to answer any of their questions. As a result, the Sanhedrin accused him of blasphemy, which was punishable by death. They then sent Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, hoping to have him sentenced to death. This marked the beginning of the persecution of Jesus, leading to his eventual crucifixion.

3. His trial before Pilate

After being arrested, Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judea. Jesus was questioned by Pilate, who found no fault in him and concluded that Jesus was being persecuted out of envy. Despite Pilate’s decision, the crowd called for Jesus to be crucified. Pilate asked them what he should do with Jesus and they responded, “Crucify him!” Against his own judgment, Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified.

4. His Crucifixion

Jesus’ persecution culminated in his crucifixion on the orders of Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect of Judea. After being flogged, Jesus was forced to carry his own cross to the place of his execution, where he was then nailed to the cross and hung in agony. While he was on the cross, he was mocked and derided by the people and Roman soldiers who had gathered to watch his death. After a few hours, Jesus died and was buried in a nearby tomb. His death marked the end of his persecution and his resurrection three days later was the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament.

5. His Resurrection and Ascension

After Jesus was arrested, he was tried and found guilty of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council. He was then taken to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, who condemned him to death. Jesus was crucified and died on the cross.


Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples, proving he had conquered death. This resurrection and ascension marked the end of Jesus’ sufferings and the beginning of his vindication and glory.


In conclusion, the persecution of Jesus Christ began even before His arrest and trial. It started with the Jewish religious leaders who opposed Him and sought to have Him killed. This persecution has continued throughout history and still exists today, in various forms and contexts. Such persecution is part of the Christian experience and a reminder of the great cost of following and believing in Jesus Christ.


What are the Qualities of a Christian Youth?
What are the Qualities of a Christian Youth?

This blog post will discuss the qualities of a Christian youth, including spiritual discernment, trustworthiness, selflessness, and humility. By understanding and actively teaching these qualities, parents and guardians can help to form the moral foundation of their child’s life. As they grow, these qualities will become more important, making it essential to start instilling them at a young age. By doing this, Christian parents can ensure their child knows what it means to live for God and build a strong faith.

Youth development is an important part of the Christian faith. As young people grow and develop, it is important that they do so with a Christian worldview. Through proper guidance and development, young people can grow to become responsible adults that are filled with Christian principles. As such, it is important for Christian youth to be equipped with certain qualities in order to know how to navigate life’s challenges. In this blog post, we will explore the qualities of a Christian youth and how they can use these qualities to serve others and glorify God. We will discuss the importance of personal development, spiritual growth, and the importance of service and mission work. Ultimately, this post will serve as a guide to Christian youth on how they can develop Christian qualities and use them to be successful in all areas of life.

1. Having a relationship with God

Having a relationship with God is one of the most important, meaningful, and life-changing decisions that anyone can make. For many, having a personal relationship with God and believing in His teachings can be a source of comfort, strength, and hope in times of need. It can also be a source of joy and spiritual growth when seeking answers to life’s difficult questions and situations. A relationship with God is an individual journey, and one that requires effort, dedication, and faith.

 We will discuss what it means to have a relationship with God and how to cultivate it. We will explore the benefits of committing to a relationship with God and discuss the importance of setting aside time and dedicating yourself to deepening your relationship with Him. We will also discuss ways to stay connected with God through prayer and other spiritual practices. Whether you have been a believer for a long time or are just beginning your journey, this post will provide helpful insight into the rewards of having a relationship with God.

2. Living with Integrity

Integrity is about having a strong sense of one’s values and principles. It is about living by what we believe to be right regardless of the situation. This means that our actions and decisions should be driven by our values, and should not be based on what is most convenient or popular. Living with integrity also involves taking responsibility for our own actions and striving to make choices that honor our values. It is also essential to practice integrity in our relationships with others, as honesty and trust

Having integrity is essential for living a meaningful and fulfilling life. Integrity is about having the courage to stand for what is right, even when it is hard. It is about doing the right thing and taking responsibility for our actions. Everyone has their own set of values, but living with integrity means being honest and honest with ourselves, being consistent in our words and actions, and displaying respect for others.

3. Treating others with Respect

Respect is not only important for developing healthy relationships, it is also beneficial for improving one’s own self-confidence and self-esteem. In any situation, whether it is in the workplace, in social settings, or with strangers, respecting others is key to building strong connections and creating an overall positive environment. Treating others with respect is essential in creating a safe, healthy, and successful environment. In this blog post, we will discuss why respect is so important, how to show respect to others, and the benefits of treating others with respect.

Respect is one of the most important virtues to cultivate in life. It is an essential component of successful interpersonal relationships and positive social interactions. Treating others with respect is a fundamental part of building strong relationships and creating a safe, successful, and caring society.

4. Responsible Decision-Making

We will explore the concept of responsible decision-making. We will look at the importance of self-reflection, being aware of our biases, and seeking out perspectives from others. Most importantly, we’ll discuss the importance of taking ownership of our decisions, no matter the outcome. By taking the time to make decisions responsibly, we can ultimately improve our decision-making skills and even our lives.

The concept of responsible decision-making and how it can help individuals reach their goals in life. We will look at the different approaches to decision-making, the importance of assessing risk and reward, and how to be mindful of the consequences of your choices. By the end of this post, readers will have a better understanding of responsible decision-making and how

5. Showing Compassion and Kindness

We’ll explore different ways you can show compassion and kindness in the workplace and how it can help your business succeed. We’ll look at the benefits of creating a workplace culture of understanding, how to be an active listener, and how to practice kindness on a daily basis. With this knowledge, you can create a supportive and empathetic workspace that everyone can feel comfortable in. 


Compassion and kindness are two of the most important qualities that anyone can possess. They are essential for the betterment of society, and the development of positive relationships both professionally and personally. It’s important to remember that when we show compassion and kindness to others, we are not only helping them, but we are also helping ourselves. Showing compassion and kindness encourages us to be more mindful of how our actions and words affect others, while also teaching us to be more tolerant and understanding of the people around us. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the importance of showing compassion and kindness, along with some tips on how to do so in a professional setting. We’ll explore why it’s so important to demonstrate these qualities to those around us, and how doing so can benefit our lives and the lives of those around us.