“Understanding Our God-Given Authority: A Biblical Perspective”

We see in the Bible that before even the sin happens God has given us the authority over fish of the sea, and over the birds of Heaven, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Sometimes, as believers we are unaware of the authority that God has already given us. And when we fully commit ourselves to Jesus Christ we become a new creature in Christ. And Because of the Blood of Jesus Christ “A New Born” Believer has more authority than the First Adam. According to “Luke 10:19” as believers we have the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt us.


Sometimes we just read the Bible and we don’t let the spirit come alive. As a Believer of God, we have the complete right to put the devil under our feet. We all have power and authority but we don’t use it. And the authority that God has given us will never leave no matter what happens in our life. God has given us a free will and he will never take that from us. He wants us to come to Him with all our hearts. 


Following are Three Authority that God has Given Us


  1. Everything that we Speak is a Seed that we Sow


Everything that we speak will go in the spiritual realm. Every word that we speak is not innocent either it will kill us or save us. By killing I mean that the wrong words that we speak will definitely come true because God has given us the authority that whatever we speak will become true if we have full faith. That one decision of speaking will either take us to Heaven or Hell. As mentioned in Proverbs 18:21 “ The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” 


  1. Authority to tread on Serpents and Scorpions


We have been given the authority to rule over all the power of the enemy. But, sometimes we are unaware of the authority and we give that authority to the enemy to rule over us. To make us feel helpless, stressful and depressed. It is our duty to teach others believers of the authority that God has given them. We must keep in mind that God is always there for us no matter what happens in our Life, He will never leave us or forsake us. 


  1. Authority to Heal Every Disease and Sickness

We see in Matthew 10: 1, that Jesus called His twelve disciples and gave them authority over every disease and sickness. We must know as Believers our authority over any disease. We should never allow any disease or sickness to rule over us. We must pray and ask The Lord to remove the sickness from us. God has given us the authority to heal any kind of disease or sickness. 


Written by Merry Usman