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Evangelistic Conversations

We began the Luke2Project with the mission of prompting Christ-centered, evangelistic conversations by providing Christians with t-shirts and gear. The concept is simple: wear Luke2Project gear throughout the Christmas season (beginning with Black Friday, which we call BRITE Friday) and be ready for the Holy Spirit to open doors for conversation about the true meaning of Christmas.

We noticed something common in our culture that we hoped to capture and use instead for a ministry purpose — how normal it is for people to represent their favorite team, sport, hobby, organization by wearing its gear. And how much people self-identify and bond with each other by seeing this. We began to brainstorm – what if Christians set aside the Christmas season to intentionally wear shirts and gear that represented their faith and started conversations about the true meaning of Christmas?


We noticed something common in our culture that we hoped to capture and use instead for a ministry purpose — how normal it is for people to represent their favorite team, sport, hobby, organization by wearing its gear. And how much people self-identify and bond with each other by seeing this. We began to brainstorm – what if Christians set aside the Christmas season to intentionally wear shirts and gear that represented their faith and started conversations about the true meaning of Christmas?

We hope and pray that by believers wearing their Luke2Project shirts around their communities, people will take notice, conversations will start, and people will be impacted for Jesus. Even if no words are exchanged, we trust that when people see the t-shirts it will plant a seed in someone’s mind about the true meaning of Christmas.

Our prayer is that churches, Christian groups, schools, and organizations will catch the vision and an international movement for Christ will begin each year at Christmas.