The True Meaning of Resurrection

We all know that God has sent his own one and only son to pay the price of our sins. This proves to us that God’s love for us is unconditional. And now whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life. Even when we were sinners he paid the price of our sins. In this article we will dig deeper in the meaning of resurrection:


1.Jesus is the Only Savior 

As mentioned in (1 Corinthians 15 3:4). Jesus is the only savior for our sins. Someone has to die for our sins to pay the price because everyone was sinners and sinners can’t die for their own sins or for themselves to pay the price for their sins. That’s why God sent his own son to come to earth and pay the price for our sins. 


2.Spiritual Sacrifices

We see in the Bible that before Jesus paid the price for our sins. The Priest stands and performs his religious duties. And bring sacrifices to the Lord. If we compare this example to nowadays we see that as a believer we can offer spiritual sacrifices. Like to stay away from doing any wrong acts, to commit God all by our hearts and by thanking God for every blessing that He has given in our life. And also believing in God completely only then we can go to Heaven. 


3.God is Saving us from His own Wrath


God has sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins because He wants us to be saved from his own wrath. God becomes angry on the basis of His righteousness. God can never tolerate sins or He cannot live with sin. As mentioned in (Rom. 1:18) that his anger is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. He wants to save us from his own anger that’s why he sent his son Jesus to earth.


Written by Merry Usman