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Praising God Wholeheartedly: A Journey of Faith and Miraculous Power

Psalm 9:1 says, “I will praise You, oh Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works.” This verse is a powerful reminder of the importance of praising God with every fiber of our being and bearing witness to His miraculous deeds in our lives. As believers, we often find ourselves in awe of God’s works, longing to experience His mighty power firsthand. This desire echoes the story of Thomas, who doubted until he saw proof. Similarly, we may seek that undeniable sign or miracle, a moment that confirms God’s presence and power in our lives. Yet, Jesus reminds us in Luke 19:40 that if we do not praise Him, even the stones will cry out. How much more, then, should we, as living witnesses of His grace, raise our voices in praise?


Seeking and Experiencing God’s Miracles


Just as Thomas sought proof, many of us have moments where we desire a sign from God. We want to test His power, to witness something so grand that it leaves no room for doubt. And God, in His infinite mercy, often reveals Himself in ways that are both personal and profound. For some, it might be a miraculous healing, a financial breakthrough, or a situation where the odds were against them, but God stepped in. These moments serve as powerful reminders of His sovereignty.


The cross stands as the ultimate testimony of God’s love and power, but His works didn’t stop there. Jesus’ sacrifice continues to affect our lives in tangible ways every day. The same power that raised Him from the dead is at work within us, shaping our experiences and guiding us through life’s challenges.


Have you ever had a moment where you could clearly see God’s hand at work? Whether big or small, these moments are His marvelous works, and we should not keep silent about them. Instead, like the Psalmist, we should declare them to the world, letting others know of the great things He has done.


The Seven Spirits of God in Action


When we face difficult times and feel the need to witness God’s power, He faithfully responds. The Bible speaks of the Seven Spirits of God (Isaiah 11:2-3), and these Spirits have the power to guide, heal, and strengthen us in profound ways. Each one represents a specific aspect of God’s character and work:


The Spirit of Wisdom: Guiding us in making sound decisions aligned with God’s will.

The Spirit of Knowledge: Granting us insight and understanding beyond our natural abilities.

The Spirit of Understanding: Helping us to comprehend the deeper truths of God’s Word.

The Spirit of Counsel: Offering guidance and direction when we feel lost or uncertain.

The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord: Reminding us of the reverence and awe due to our holy God.

The Spirit of Power: Enabling us to overcome challenges and walk in the authority of Christ.

The Spirit of the Lord: His very presence, leading and comforting us.

In my own life, I have experienced the power of these Spirits in various ways. As a believer, I have seen God’s hand move in miraculous ways, from healing and wisdom to knowledge and understanding. One of the most significant testimonies in my life occurred when I was just 11 days old. My father was in an accident, and my mother had to leave me alone at home. I survived for 48 hours without milk, and even though I was just an infant, God’s hand was upon me. This event is just one of many instances where God has shown His love and power in my life, long before I could even comprehend it.


Praise as a Path to Transformation


One of the key themes in this devotional is the transformative power of wholehearted praise. Praising God from the depths of our hearts, with faith and expectation, brings about real change in our lives. Half-hearted praise, on the other hand, lacks the power to unlock the blessings that God has in store for us.


Reflecting on the importance of sincere praise, it becomes clear that when we worship God with our whole hearts, we open the door to His presence and power. It is in these moments of genuine worship that we experience true transformation. In your life, has there been a time when you offered God praise despite difficult circumstances? Perhaps you were in a season of struggle, yet you chose to lift your voice in worship. These are the moments where God often moves in the most powerful ways.


The Bible tells us that faith can move mountains (Matthew 17:20), and when we praise God with faith, believing in His power and promises, we position ourselves to receive His blessings. This type of praise is not about empty words or rituals but about trusting God completely, even when circumstances seem bleak.


Faith and Praise in Times of Trial


Another important lesson from this devotional is the call to praise God during trials. When we face challenges, it can be easy to fall into worry or fear. Yet, the Bible teaches us that praise precedes victory. One of the most striking examples of this is the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho (Joshua 6). The Israelites were instructed to march around the city, praising God, before they saw any evidence of the walls falling. It was their faith-filled praise that triggered the breakthrough.


As believers, we are called to do the same. When we face obstacles in life, we should march around our personal “Jerichos” with shouts of praise, believing that God will bring down the walls. This act of faith not only glorifies God but also strengthens us, reminding us of the authority and inheritance we have in Christ. When we praise God in the midst of trials, we are declaring that we trust Him to deliver us, just as He has done in the past.


The Power of Praise Over Worry


Finally, this devotional highlights the powerful truth that praise can drive out worry and fear. When we choose to focus on God’s power rather than our problems, we experience the freedom that Christ has already secured for us. Worry and fear have no place in the life of a believer, for we are more than conquerors through Christ (Romans 8:37).


Choosing praise over worry is not always easy, but it is a choice that leads to liberation. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), we can walk in the confidence that He is in control. Our praise becomes a weapon that pushes back the darkness and invites the Holy Spirit to move in our lives.


Conclusion: A Call to Wholehearted Praise


In conclusion, this devotional is a powerful reminder of the importance of praising God with our whole hearts. Whether we are facing trials, seeking God’s miraculous power, or simply reflecting on His goodness, praise is the key to unlocking His presence and power in our lives. As we offer up genuine, faith-filled praise, we can trust that God will move on our behalf, just as He has done countless times before.


Let us be encouraged to praise God with every part of who we are, trusting in His ability to deliver, heal, and transform. As we lift our voices in worship, let us remember the words of Psalm 9:1: “I will praise You, oh Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works.” May our lives be a testimony to His grace and power, and may we never cease to declare His marvelous works to the world.

3 Reasons Why There is Sadness in the World


We all know as a christian that Adam and Eve sinned. The Lord put curses on all Mankind.. Our God cannot leave with sin, He is the Most Glorious God. As mentioned in Habakkuk 1:13 God’s eyes are pure too look on evil, He cannot tolerate wrong. God cannot tolerate any wrong thing. He is the most righteous. That’s why He sent His own Son in the world for our sins. And whoever believes in Jesus Christ shall not perish but will have eternal and everlasting life.


Following are the 3 Reasons Why There is Sadness in the World

  1. Lack of Understanding of God’s Will

Sometimes as children of God we’re unaware of God’s purpose for us. His will for us is to stay forever with Him in His heavenly kingdom. To worship Him and pray to Him. To fully commit ourselves to Him. As a believer, it is our duty to read the Bible to know God’s will for us. We should have a 24/7 connection with God.

  1. To Fear is to not Trust God

In order to grow our trust in God, we must have a good relationship with Him. By reading the Word of God and by continuously praying we can have a good relationship with God. And will grow our trust in God. We have to see our authority that He has given us as His children. Through His name we can do anything we have faith. Nothing is impossible for our heavenly father.


  1. Lack of faith in God’s Promises

Having faith in God is the most important thing in the spiritual journey. It is the faith that give us the assurance that Jesus Christ will come again to take us with him. And it is written in the Bible without faith we cannot please Him. It is the first step in a believer’s life to fully have faith in God. And Believe that He is our saviour and our Heavenly Father. 


Written by Merry Usman

“How to Put on the Whole Armor of God and Stand Firm in Your Faith”

The Bible says: Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Having faith in God makes anything possible. Faith gives us the assurance that whatever we pray for we will receive it. However, if we lose our faith we would be like walking in the darkness. If we want to stand firm in our faith, we should always focus on God and read the Word of God. As per mentioned in Romans 10:17 – So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. When we read the Holy Bible, we get to know more about God and it helps us in knowing His will for us because He is our Heavenly Father. 


Fill Your Life with Truthfulness.

Our God is a God of Righteousness. And he never wants his children to follow the wrong ways. We should be obedient and truthful to our God because that’s what he wants. And in Romans 1:18, we see that God’s wrath will be revealed upon all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness.


Faith Comes by Repentance.

When a child of God becomes born again. The Holy Spirit moves in his heart, and the desire to do any new sins it weakens. And the desire to do good work multiplies. We should fully follow God with all our mind, heart and strength. God wants his children to become closer to Him. We should confess our sins before the Lord because he will forgive us but we must try not to repeat our sins over and over.

Faith Comes by Hearing the Word of God.

The Word of God is the Will of God. We must read the Holy Bible to know and must be clear about what our God wants from us. When we read Word of God we get to know about how prophets and other great personalities in the Bible get to know about God and how they keep their faith in God, even in the hard times. It will also strengthen how we should stand firm in our faith. 


Written by Merry Usman

How do you Grow a Seed of Faith?


Growing a seed of faith can be a difficult task, but it is also incredibly rewarding. Faith is a personal and powerful thing, and understanding how it works and how to nurture it can help you build a stronger sense of faith in yourself and in the world around you. Faith is a fundamental part of many religions, and it can also be found in people who do not adhere to any particular faith. 


Regardless of what type of faith you have, it is important to understand how to properly nurture it and help it to grow. In this blog post, we will explore the different ways in which you can grow a seed of faith and how to maintain it in order to achieve a stronger sense of faith and spiritual connection. We will discuss the importance of patience and the power of positive thinking, as well as other methods such as meditation, prayer, and service. By understanding how to best nurture your own seed of faith, you can begin to experience the positive effects of having a strong sense of faith


1. Have a Positive Attitude

Developing a seed of faith begins with a positive attitude. Believing in yourself and in your faith will help cultivate a strong and vibrant seed. Having a can-do attitude will help you not only to grow your faith but to pursue the life you want. Keeping an open heart and mind and maintaining an optimistic outlook will allow you to see the beauty and potential of your faith. It will also help you to remain focused on the path that leads to the realization of your dreams.


2. Practice Gratitude


Practicing gratitude is an important part of growing a seed of faith. Taking time out of each day to appreciate the blessings we have and the good things that have happened to us can help us stay focused on our faith. Showing gratitude for the help and support others have given us can create stronger relationships and bring us closer to our faith. Being thankful for the opportunities we have, even if it is something as simple as being able to go outside and enjoy nature, can help us to cultivate a more positive outlook and strengthen our relationship with our faith.


3. Make Small Steps Towards your Goals


When it comes to growing a seed of faith, it is essential to take small steps that can lead to the ultimate realization of your goals. Building faith is not a process that happens overnight, and it involves making consistent progress over time. Taking small steps allows you to make progress without becoming overwhelmed by the big picture, and it motivates you to keep going on your journey. By setting realistic and achievable goals, you can build your faith steadily and steadily until you reach your desired destination.


4. Help Others


As your faith continues to grow and strengthen, it’s important to also help others develop their own faith as well. When you share your faith with others, you can encourage them and help them grow in their own faith. When you’re helping others, you’re also growing in your own faith as you deepen your understanding of faith and its importance. Not only does this help you build relationships, it also helps you better understand your own faith. You can help others by sharing your faith journey, offering spiritual guidance, and bringing people together in prayer.


5. Find Support from Communities of Faith


Faith can be a powerful source of comfort and support during difficult times. Communities of faith can provide a space where you can share your religious beliefs, ask questions, receive guidance, and find solace. The support of a faith-based community can be especially beneficial if you’re seeking spiritual growth. Many religious organizations offer weekly services, small groups, and other resources to help you grow in your faith. You can also find like-minded people who can relate to your struggles and provide invaluable support and encouragement. Finding a faith-based community is an important step to help you nurture your spiritual seed and grow in your faith.


Growing a seed of faith can be a difficult and trying journey, but with patience, dedication, and the guidance of God, anyone can cultivate a relationship with Him and reap the rewards of a life full of faith. With each passing day, our faith will become stronger and our thoughts and actions will be guided by our belief in God. Through prayer and the act of living out the teachings of the Bible, we will continue to grow in faith and become closer to God.


Why is it Important to Develop Faith in God?

In today’s increasingly secularized world, it can be easy to overlook the importance of developing faith in God. We often get caught up in the day-to-day demands of life and the hustle and bustle of the modern world and forget about the spiritual aspects of life. As a result, it’s important to take a step back and recognize the importance of developing faith in God. 


Having strong faith in God gives us a sense of peace, security, and direction in our lives. It can also help us make sense of the chaos of our lives and offer insight and guidance when decisions need to be made. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the various reasons why it is important to develop faith in God and the ways that doing so can be beneficial. We’ll also discuss some common obstacles to developing faith and how to overcome them. By the end of this blog post, readers should have a better understanding of the importance of developing

1. Increases Overall Sense of Security and Comfort

Having faith in God can provide an overall sense of security and comfort in one’s life. When life throws us challenges and unexpected events, faith can be a source of strength and hope. It can also allow us to take a step back from our current circumstances, enabling us to see a bigger picture. Having faith in a higher power can also provide a sense of comfort when facing difficult times and can help to develop a sense of inner peace and contentment.


2. Enhances One’s Ability to Handle Difficult Situations

Developing faith in God has many benefits, one of which is enhanced ability to handle difficult situations with more poise. When we trust that God is in control and that He has our best interest in mind, we can approach difficult situations with more confidence and peace. Faith in God can help us stay focused on the solutions rather than getting stuck in solutions. It can also help us to remain calm and rational, even when the situation is stressful, so that we can make sound decisions and take appropriate action. In doing so, we can be assured that we are following the will of God.

3. Can Provide a Sense of Direction and Purpose

Having faith in God can provide a sense of direction and purpose in life. When life can be uncertain and difficult, having faith in a higher power can provide a source of comfort and guidance. This faith can help us to navigate the obstacles that life may throw our way. Additionally, having faith in God can give us a greater sense of purpose, helping us to stay focused on what is most important and meaningful in life. Developing faith in God can thus provide us with resilience and strength to help us through challenging and difficult times.


4. Helps to Build Meaningful Relationships

One of the key reasons why it is important to develop faith in God is that it helps to build meaningful relationships. Faith in God encourages us to see the good in others, to forgive and to be generous with our time and resources. In turn, this creates a sense of trust and connection between us and those around us. By having faith in God, we are more likely to form meaningful relationships with others, as we recognize that all our relationships are based on love and understanding.


5. Cultivates a Sense of Spiritual Growth and Development

Faith in God is an important part of spiritual growth and development. Cultivating faith helps us to recognize that life is bigger than our individual experiences and that there is something greater at work in the world. It enables us to have hope in the face of adversity and encourages us to keep searching for answers to life’s questions. By connecting with a higher power, we can find strength, comfort, and peace. Developing faith can also help us to more deeply appreciate the beauty of the world and to find purpose in our lives.


In conclusion, having faith in God is important for many reasons. It helps us cope with difficult times, strengthens our relationships, and gives us hope and peace. Developing faith in God can be challenging, but it’s worth it in the end. With faith comes a sense of joy, security, and contentment, no matter what our circumstances may be.