Faith in Action: How to Build a Stronger Relationship with God

Having a strong relationship with your Heavenly Father is very essential in your spiritual life. Our God loves us unconditionally and he never leaves us or forsakes us. As a believer, we should give first value to God in our lives and his holy words will help us in becoming closer to Him. Having a relationship with God will help us always stay connected with Him. And anybody can leave us but God will never stop taking care of us.

Have a Consistent Prayer Routine

Prayer is the most important tool in the life of a believer. Prayer is about talking with God. Having a consistent prayer routine will help you get closer to God. The prayer connects you with the creator of the universes. And even if it’s not like that you have to take some kind of appointment to talk with your Heavenly Father, you can talk to him anytime you want. He is always there to help you


Read the Holy Bible Daily

Reading bible scriptures and knowing more about God through the Word of God will help you build a stronger relationship with God. In the Holy Bible, we see that there are alot of personalities who were following God with all their Heart. And as we read the scriptures we will know how prophets and disciples strengthened their faith in God. 


Communion with other Believers

Environment matters a lot. Our lifestyle will affect our spiritual life. Having a communion with other believers will help you build a stronger faith in God and having a healthy relationship with God. You’ll get to know about other believer’s journeys of their faith and spiritual life. You’ll get to know about their experiences of their spiritual lives. The environment in which we live, as our nature we try to adopt it. So make sure you’re having a good fellowship with other believers


Written by Merry Usman