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The Power of Walking in Faith with Jesus?

When we walk with Jesus, we are walking in faith. We are trusting that He will lead us and guide us through whatever challenges we may face. Walking with Jesus gives us strength, courage, and hope. It allows us to see the world through His eyes and to know that we are never alone. Walking with Jesus is the best way to live our lives.

When we are walking with Jesus, we are never alone. He is always with us. Walking with Jesus requires faith. It requires us to trust that He is leading us and that He has a plan for our lives. It is not always easy to have faith, but when we do, we are walking in the power of Jesus.

God can do Everything and Anything.

In life, we often face challenges and feel like we are stuck. We may feel like we are at the end of our rope and do not know what to do. However, we need to remember that God can do anything and everything. He is all-powerful and can help us in our time of need. We may not always understand why things happen, but we need to trust that God has a plan for us. He can help us through any situation, no matter how difficult it may be.

God can do anything and everything. There’s no limit to what God can do. He can do the impossible. With God, all things are possible. He is all-powerful and all-knowing. God is good and He is faithful. He keeps His promises. He is worthy of our trust.

God is Eternal

He is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. He is eternal. God is not bound by time. He is not limited by our finite understanding of time. He is not subject to the laws of physics.

He created time and is outside of time. He is the only One who is truly eternal. When we try to wrap our minds around the concept of eternity, we can only imagine an endless succession of time. But time is a created thing. God is the Creator and He is eternal. He has always existed and will always exist. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

God is Full of Wisdom

God is full of wisdom. This is something that I have always believed, and it is something that I continue to believe. I believe that God is full of wisdom because He is the one who created us and He knows everything about us. He knows what is best for us and He knows what will happen in our future. I believe that God is full of wisdom because He is perfect and He knows everything.

When it comes to making decisions in our lives, it can be difficult to know what the right choice is. We may second-guess ourselves, wonder what others will think, or worry about the consequences. But, as Christians, we can take comfort in knowing that God is full of wisdom.


Reasons Why Online Bible Study Works?

There are many online Bible study programs available. Some are free, while others require a subscription. There are also many different translations of the Bible available online. This can be a great way to study the Bible, as you can read different translations and compare them side-by-side. You can also find study guides and other resources to help you understand the Bible better. One of the best things about online Bible study is the ability to go at your own pace. You can take as much time as you need to really understand the passage you are reading. Additionally, there are often study guides and other resources available online to help you understand the Bible better.

Online Bible study can be a great way to grow in your faith and learn more about God’s Word. One of the great things about online Bible study is that it allows you to learn more about God’s Word at your own pace. You can read and study the Bible whenever you have the time, and you can go back and review passages as often as you like. Moreover, online Bible study can help you to connect with other Christians who are also seeking to grow in their faith. By participating in online Bible study groups, you can share your insights and learn from the insights of others.

There are many online Bible study resources available online for those who want to learn more about the Bible. There are websites that offer online Bible studies for both beginners and advanced students such as Vision Colleges. 

Interact with other Believers through Online Bible Study

These studies can be done at your own pace and usually include quizzes and other interactive features. Whether you are looking for a personal study or a group study, there are many online Bible study options available. You can find studies on specific books of the Bible, topics, or even do a general study of the Bible. With so many options, you are sure to find a study that meets your needs and interests. available, so you can find one that fits your needs and schedule. You can also join an online Bible study group, which can be a great way to interact with other believers and learn from each other.

There are plenty of reasons to study the Bible online. For one, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to worry about finding a Bible study group or class to attend. You can also study the Bible at your own pace and go at a depth that is comfortable for you. Additionally, online Bible study can be a great way to connect with other Christians around the world.

There are many online Bible study tools and resources available to help you grow in your faith. These can be a great way to stay connected to God and His Word, even when you can’t make it to church or a Bible study group. Look for a study that fits your schedule and interests, and commit to spending time each day or week reading and learning. As you grow in your understanding of Scripture, you’ll be able to better apply its truths to your life and share them with others.

Different Ways to Study the Bible online.

There are many online Bible study groups available, and many different ways to study the Bible online. One of the great things about studying the Bible online is that there are many different ways to do it. You can find a study that fits your schedule and your learning style, and you can do it at your own pace. Whether you want to go through a study with a group of people or do it on your own, there are plenty of options available.. You can find online Bible study groups that focus on specific topics, books of the Bible, or even just general Bible study. These groups can be a great way to connect with other Christians and learn more about your faith.

There are many online Bible study programs available. Some are more comprehensive than others. Some programs offer more in-depth study, while others are more focused on daily devotionals. There are also many different translation options available. Some people prefer to study the Bible in its original language, while others prefer a more modern translation. No matter what your preference, there is an online Bible study program that is right for you.

Grow your Faith with Online Bible Study

Online Bible study can be a great way to grow in your faith and learn more about God’s Word., There are many online Bible study tools and resources available to help you grow in your faith, and These groups can be a great way to connect with other Christians and learn more about your faith. 

The Online Bible Study is a great way to learn more about the Bible and to grow in your faith. It is a convenient way to study the Bible on your own time and at your own pace. There are many resources available to help you understand the Bible better. You can also find community and support through online Bible study groups.

What are some Healthy Addictions for Christians?

There are plenty of options for addiction recovery in the Bible. God gave us everything we need to live a life of victory in Him. We can overcome our addictions, sins and bad habits through the power of the Holy Spirit.

With all of the questions surrounding addiction today, it can seem difficult to find an answer. The answers may not be perfect, but with a little reading, it can be found in the bible. The bible holds many truths about the subject of addiction, including healthy addictions, unhealthy addictions, and addictions that can have lasting effects.

It’s easy to get lost in the world of addiction, but God promises to make a way out for every person who suffers. Addiction doesn’t have to control your life. With Christ, you can break the habit and find freedom.

Prayer can be a Good Addiction For Believers

Prayer is a spiritual addiction for some, and for others it’s a source of renewed strength. Some people pray daily, while others only pray when they feel they need it. Prayer can be many things to many people. It can be a powerful meditative state, a place to confess and repent, or it can be just a way to talk to God.

People can be addicted to many things, including food, alcohol, video games, or even shopping. But what most people don’t realize is that some people are addicted to prayer. Prayer, which is the act of communicating with God, can be an addiction, especially if you’re doing it all the time or simply turning in prayer whenever something doesn’t go your way.

People pray for a variety of reasons, but prayer can (and should) be more than just a habit. Praying regularly can help you maintain control of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It can also have a positive effect on your health, relationships, finances, and other aspects of your life. And, most importantly, prayer can strengthen your relationship with your Creator and His promises.

Read Bible Daily

Reading the Bible every day is a great way to deepen your relationship with God. The Bible is God’s Word, inspired by Him. It contains prophecies about future events. It helps heal our wounds. It gives us hope when we are feeling down.

The Bible’s importance is no secret; it’s the best-selling book of all time, and it’s believed by many Christians to be the literal word of God. The Bible is a source of wisdom, direction, and instruction. With so many resources available, it’s easier than ever to find the verses that speak to you, and to read the Bible daily.

Listening to Christian Podcasts

Listening to Christian podcasts is a great way to gain access to hours of spiritual learning in just minutes. By downloading your favorite podcast, you can listen during your daily commute to work, on your lunch break, or while you’re working out. Christian podcasts come from many different denominations, and many of them include guests from different backgrounds to talk about their relationship with God.

Podcasts are a popular form of audio entertainment, typically hosted on websites or apps. While podcasts were once created to serve only a niche audience—people who liked to listen to audio content from a computer or mobile device—today, podcasts are growing in popularity. They’re especially popular among those who are religious, content with a broad selection of religious podcasts available which cater to all denominations of Christianity.

Listen to Sermons Online

The idea of watching a sermon online isn’t exactly new, but it’s gaining popularity with religious groups. Besides being able to listen at your own convenience, it allows listeners to tune into sermons from local churches, while those who can’t make it to church for any reason can still tune in. Online sermons are convenient

Sermons are powerful. They connect us with the Bible and with people who share our faith. They help us hear God’s voice through preaching and song. But we can’t always make it to Sunday mornings to hear them. That’s why, with the simple click of a mouse, you can listen to sermons online whenever it is convenient for you. Free from distractions, you can focus solely on the words of the speaker and the message of God’s Word. However, going to Church is as important as your food.

Life Coach
When to Choose a Life Coach?

You may be at a stage in your life when you’re considering looking for help with something specific in your life, but the big question is whether you need a life coach or would a counsellor be a better option.

Of course, the decision is a deeply personal one, but it’s also important for you to understand the differences between them both, as well as how each will benefit your life journey.

While it is worth spending time digging into the pros and cons of each, it may be more worthwhile considering the following analogy to help you decide.

If you were looking to climb Mount Everest, and you could only take one person with you, who would it be? Would you choose someone who would ensure you’re in the right physical condition to climb the mountain, looking at past medical history and previous injuries? Or would you rather have your own version of Tenzing Norgay, the Sherpa who supported and guided Edmund Hillary to conquer Everest, and saved his life?

See the roles have similarities, but the work and the way the sessions are structured differ greatly. It’s not that one is more valuable than another, but one might be better suited for a particular situation.

For both professions, they work to move clients forward, making positive changes in their lives. Therapists/counselors will do this through diagnosis and treatment, very much from a healthcare perspective, and look for a particular result in mind. Often that result is the stop to a certain behavior.

For a life coach, there is little focus on the past and behaviors associated with the past. Instead, it’s about moving people forward in small steps in a short period of time.

That time element is another area where the professions differ. A counselor may need many sessions to ‘unpick’ the past, whereas life coaching sessions usually only last a few sessions if it’s a simple issue to resolve.

So what kind of guidance can a life coach offer?

  • Clarify to achieve goals
  • Creation of business plans
  • Ways to improve communication
  • Working to break free of financial restrictions
  • Help to achieve a good work/life balance
  • Help when stuck in growing a business
  • Help with limiting self-beliefs
  • Increase motivation
  • Learn a new skill
  • Identify, set, and achieve new habits and goals

However, a counselor may be better suited where there are:

  • Past emotional or physical traumas
  • Broken relationships
  • Struggles with depression or mental health issues
  • Problems with abandonment or attachment
  • Coping with bereavement whether through death or divorce

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Both professions will have great tools to help you.

The bottom line is that counseling therapy is for the past, whilst coaching is for the future. How you carve that up is up to you.

Gordon Hall

About the Author: Gordon Hall is a trained Christian life coach and a church pastor in the north of England. Find out more at

Miracle Wall
The Miracle Wall in Inglewood is Proof that Jesus is Still Doing Miracles

Writer: Dr. Barbara Reynolds

            The Miracle Wall in Inglewood is helping people from all faiths to celebrate the miracles of Jesus Christ. It is creating hope and excitement during this New Year. The Faces of Jesus, are a strong incredible reminder of the nearness of Jesus Christ. He is still working miracles in the lives of the brokenhearted, hungry, hopeless and believers looking for a closer relationship with God. Thousands have witnessed the sacred images on the Miracle Wall in person or through social media and network broadcasts.

Dr. Jynona Norwood, inspiring preacher and devoted pastor of FAITH I AM, has served Inglewood and surrounding areas for half a century.  Dr. Norwood’s obedience and faithfulness is a testament to her church being chosen for this once in a life- time experience. The Miracle Wall website has drawn people from all walks of life to FAITH I AM resulting in believers labeling it a sacred place where they feel the presence of God and people are reporting experiencing life-changing miracles that only Jesus Christ could provide.

Mr. J.J. Ware showed Pastor Norwood the miracle visions on the wall, however she paid him no attention. Two years later Ms. Charlotte Browning came forward and showed her two faces of Jesus which had appeared on items in the sanctuary. Since then, scores of images of Biblical figures including the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus The Christ continue to supernaturally multiply on the walls, vents, and chairs of FAITH I AM.

To date, many individuals, including those who have achieved notoriety in Christian networks, entertainment and the sports world have drawn near to The Miracle Wall. Dr. Barbara Reynolds, Dr. Ramon Sanchez, Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg, Dick Gregory, Dr. Albert Sampson, Ray Charles Jr., Rev. Robert Robinson, Della Robinson, Beverlee Dean, and Dignitaries are a few who have been impacted by God’s presence. Consider that Christ could have chosen to be incarnated within the palaces of Kings or wealthy elites of His day, he chose a teenage girl from Nazareth, a place where many have erroneously avowed that nothing good could come out of such a place, just like some have wrongly predicted that about Inglewood.

Those who want to experience the blessings of the Miracle Wall and its inspirational compelling hope are invited to witness the testimonials, attend virtual services this season and all year round on Facebook, Jynona Norwood page. You can visit her website for updated news on the Handwriting of God appearing in the 21st Century.

                                           Mark 16:14

14 Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table, and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen.

This article is originally published on Christian Marketing Experts.