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How Did I Become a Follower of Christ?


It’s amazing to look back and realize that Jesus Christ, the Lord of my life, had been speaking to me since I was a child—I just didn’t fully understand it.

In 2001, a friend gave me a book called Abundant Life. At the time, I didn’t recognize its significance. Seventeen years later, Jesus spoke to me and said, “I had that book given to you so you could understand who I am and what I want you to do, but you ignored me.”

Even then, I didn’t take the time to finish reading the book. Not long after, my mother fell seriously ill and was admitted to the ICU. The doctors told us she needed surgery, but they couldn’t guarantee it would be successful. They handed me a document to sign, making it clear that even with the operation, they couldn’t save her.

As I rode my bicycle home that day, I was overwhelmed with the reality that no doctor could guarantee my mother’s life. At that moment, I called out to Jesus. I remembered how He had spoken to me through that book, and I believed He was alive and still working miracles. I cried out, “Jesus, can You hear me? Can You save my mother?”

Immediately, He spoke to me: “Yes, my son, I can. But are you willing to serve my people? Will you become my servant and lead them to Me?”

Without hesitation, I said, “Yes, Lord. I will do whatever You ask of me.”

The next day, my mother’s operation was successful, and she was completely healed!

After that, I started reading both Abundant Life and the Bible. I attended Sunday fellowship for a few weeks, but I still didn’t fully understand God’s divine purpose for my life.


How Did I Become a Born-Again Believer?


One morning, my father suffered a paralysis attack. That night, I had been working a night shift at a nearby prayer center, where I witnessed Jesus performing miracles daily.

When I saw my father in that condition, I cried out to Jesus, “Lord, I see You perform miracles every day. I know You are the same here as You are there.” I asked my mother to bring some simple mustard oil, and I prayed over him for two minutes. As I prayed, I watched his face return to normal, and his arm and leg began working again!

It was then that I had the privilege of leading my father to be baptized at the age of 70.

Later, I went through one of the hardest seasons of my life—an 18-month separation from my wife. She was a believer, but she refused to listen to me or reconcile, even though we had two children. During that time, I was still missing the calling God had placed on my life: to serve His people as a pastor and Bible teacher.

After a year and a half of separation, I cried out to Jesus again. I reminded Him of how He had restored other Christian marriages, even after years of brokenness, and I asked why my wife refused to listen to anyone—not even her father or mine. “What is wrong, Lord?” I pleaded.

Jesus responded, “You are not being honest about wanting her back. You are lying to Me. You don’t truly desire reconciliation because you are not praying with your whole heart.”

Those words broke me. I realized that I had been holding back. That day, for the first time, I fell to my knees in tears and said, “I’m sorry, Jesus. I truly want my wife back! I am praying with all my heart, and I know You are the only One who can bring her back.”

The very next day, she called me and said, “I want to meet you.” Hallelujah!

Through these experiences and so many more, I have been transformed into a born-again Christian. Jesus has shown me His power, His faithfulness, and His calling on my life. I now live to serve Him and lead others into His presence.