3 Reasons Why There is Sadness in the World


We all know as a christian that Adam and Eve sinned. The Lord put curses on all Mankind.. Our God cannot leave with sin, He is the Most Glorious God. As mentioned in Habakkuk 1:13 God’s eyes are pure too look on evil, He cannot tolerate wrong. God cannot tolerate any wrong thing. He is the most righteous. That’s why He sent His own Son in the world for our sins. And whoever believes in Jesus Christ shall not perish but will have eternal and everlasting life.


Following are the 3 Reasons Why There is Sadness in the World

  1. Lack of Understanding of God’s Will

Sometimes as children of God we’re unaware of God’s purpose for us. His will for us is to stay forever with Him in His heavenly kingdom. To worship Him and pray to Him. To fully commit ourselves to Him. As a believer, it is our duty to read the Bible to know God’s will for us. We should have a 24/7 connection with God.

  1. To Fear is to not Trust God

In order to grow our trust in God, we must have a good relationship with Him. By reading the Word of God and by continuously praying we can have a good relationship with God. And will grow our trust in God. We have to see our authority that He has given us as His children. Through His name we can do anything we have faith. Nothing is impossible for our heavenly father.


  1. Lack of faith in God’s Promises

Having faith in God is the most important thing in the spiritual journey. It is the faith that give us the assurance that Jesus Christ will come again to take us with him. And it is written in the Bible without faith we cannot please Him. It is the first step in a believer’s life to fully have faith in God. And Believe that He is our saviour and our Heavenly Father. 


Written by Merry Usman